Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fun with Pumpkin Pie

My four-year-old decided we should make pumpkin pie.  Good idea.  The kids had fun scooping out the seeds and then we baked our pumpkin.  I wasn't too concerned about making a delicious pie, it was just a fun family activity.  Of course I didn't have any evaporated milk on hand, so I googled a recipe for pumpkin pie without evaporated milk (thanks to my husband for explaining to me how to search with a negative symbol.)  Guess what.  The pie was delicious!  So, I thought I'd share the recipe, because next time I make pumpkin pie, I'm going to use this recipe!

I didn't bother to fuss with the crust; I just let the kids make a pat-in-the-pan crust.  Our pumpkin made 2+ cups of pumpkin puree and I just used it all, even though it was a bit more than the recipe called for.  Also, the baking time was significantly increased from the recipes instructions, by perhaps 20 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Pumpkin pie is one of those posts I'm currently working on for the food blog. Interesting not using evaporated milk. It's one of those things we order in bulk so we're never out. It's a great substitute for so many cream products.

    I did not know about the googling with the negative symbol, now I do.

